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"Reconstructed Individuality"

Collection “Reconstructed Individuality” is about people’s individuality and what differences they have between one another. The most successful experiment that elevated my research was the drawings, when it was required to do so by completely blind folded and following the given tasks to draw. When you can not see, you only can trust the instincts and imagination, which in the result, had given various figures and lines. Collages was always a great personal way to express myself and in this case other people as well. With this project I wanted to present an individual portraits of those individuals, show they're interests, aesthetics, character and by making separate constructions slowly it became a jewellery that would portray personalities. Doing this project allowed me to understand, how each of us are so different and have something special within.

Paper test


My current project started as exploration of interplay, entanglement, disappearance of various objects with other materials. All of this reminded me glaciers, where frozen things are often found, both when ice is broken and when it dissolves. As I began to work with plaster, I found it ductile and liberating in order to have freedom in using it. However, for my final pieces I am using jesmonite because it’s less fragile. The pieces I created was made by firstly having a full piece and then cutting it in many different shapes to reveal the inside with details. My aim was to make pieces so that the viewer would need to look closer into the pieces and see that there is more within.

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